Before doing much with any of my machine sI usually like to take backups, especially if there is any risk of completely ruining my system.
The only directions I found were from a German article and it basically said to do the following:
You will need a Hard drive large enough to contain the size of the image (16/32GB),
a USB keyboard
a WeTab.
Restart the machine and wait for the WeTab logo to appear. After a bit you will see two dots appear on the upper and lower left corners of the screen. At this point you should press on the top left corner of your WeTab (there should be an Orange LED there with a circle next to it). Hold down for 5 seconds ( a message should appear in German telling you to keep holding it down if you want to enter recovery mode or something to that effect ).
Finally you should get a Terminal window and some options regarding resetting things in the system. You can then connect a USB Drive, mount it and use the dd command to take an image of /dev/sda.
dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/mybackup.img
That will probably take a few of hours.
I'm not too sure how useful this backup is however. I'm not sure if the WeTab is loading a small binutils in the beginning before booting up the whole system or what but I wouldn't go crazy experimenting until someone has confirmed a way of restoring the system. I'm still looking around.
Oh yeah and all that Disclaimer stuff applies here, I'm not responsible for anybody messing their system up after reading these posts. I'm only writing this to share my journey through the WeTab with the brave of heart; if you can't handle losing your investment, stick to the official releases and updates.
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