Saturday, March 12, 2011

so far so good with Ubuntu

so far I'm finding Ubuntu a lot nicer to deal with, I know I promised to explain how to get twofing to work...I'll get to it soon. I actually haven't found it so useful. In fact what turned out to be really great was the Okular reader. it allows you to drag the pages with the left mouse button and opens pdfs, cbz, name it. And to install it you just use the ubuntu package center.

you may also want to make sure you're running with the ubuntu desktop setup and not the netbook layout because that was get that done you must logout and select a user to login as and at the bottom there should be a selection box to switch to the regular old ubuntu interface.
Rotating the screen as described in one of my earlier posts makes the reading experience better, except the hardware leaves a lot to be desired where the display is concerned.

You will likely find the mouse pointer a pain...i've changed that with a little bullseye png i made and turned into a cursor using xgencursor:

just create a file called target.cursor and add the following:

32 16 16 target.png

to make the hotspot of the cursor be the center. Now run:

$>xcursorgen target.cursor default

you should end up with a file called default containing your new cursor, it took a bit of time to figure out where to put it to get it picked up. I can't recall exactly where i placed it but what i did was i found the folder containing the files for my current theme, backed up the cursor file. replaced it and restarted.

Cheers from the midst of the Cairo revolution!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Upgrading the touchscreen firmware to 1.006h

So I've been having some really ugly experiences with the touchscreen where it doesn't regsiter my touch in a lot of instances. I've just upgraded the firmware to 1.006h following the details described here:

You will have to do this from inside the WeOs because I'm not sure where to get the eUpgrade tool, maybe it comes with the egalax drivers...anyhow that's not our concern at this point.

First, make sure you have a USB Keyboard and Mouse handy.

Now, open up a shell and

$>cd Downloads
$>sudo  unzip -d /usr/share/tiitoo/firmware/
$>eUpgrade -f /usr/share/tiitoo/firmware/YoungFast_11p6_24x43_72A1v1006h_f04_dsab_ASG.EGXP

Now you will see something like:

*) EETI firmware upgrade tool version: 1.03.1011


 (I) Found a PCAP device on /dev/hidraw0
 (I) Model: PCAP72A1
 (I) Type: PCAP7200 Series
 (I) Version: 1.005f

 (I) Image file [/usr/share/tiitoo/firmware/YoungFast_11p6_24x43_72A1v1006h_f04_dsab_ASG.EGXP]: Opened
 (I) Load image file: OK
 (I) Waiting............
and then pinnwand will restart. DO NOT PANIC IF THE TOUCHSCREEN DOES NOT REACT TO YOUR TOUCH. Just do the eupgrade one more time, this is what happened with me,

eUpgrade -f /usr/share/tiitoo/firmware/YoungFast_11p6_24x43_72A1v1006h_f04_dsab_ASG.EGXP

If fortune does not side with you then you can always revert to the older firmware which you should find under the same folder:  /usr/share/tiitoo/firmware/YoungFast_11p6_24x43_72A1v1005...

Best of luck, if you worried about doing this wait for the official update...!